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10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service  Watch us Live Online
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Grace Fellowship Worship Sermon Videos

9.8.24 Grace: In Our Time of Need: from Hebrew 4:12 – 5:10
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9.1.24 Finding Rest & Peace: from Hebrews 4:1-13
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8.25.24 Brothers and Sisters in Christ: from Hebrews 2 & 3
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8.18.24 Keep the Faith: from Hebrews 2 & 3
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8.11.24 The Supremacy of Jesus Christ: from Hebrews 1:1-14
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8.4.24 Following Jesus: from Philippians 3:7-10
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7.28.24  This is Jesus: from John 14:6-21
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7.21.24 This is Jesus: from Colossians 1:15-21
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7.14.24 God’s Inspiration for Today: from 2 Timothy 3:14-17
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7.7.24 How the Bible Works: from 2 Timothy 3:14-17
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6.30.24 The World Hates the Disciples: from John 15:18-19
Guest Preacher Ben Bates
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6.23.24 A Renewed Life in Christ: from Ephesians 4:21-24
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6.1624 Bible, Bible, Bible: from 2 Peter 1:16-21
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6.9.24 The Bible Fact and Fiction: from Hebrews 4:12-13
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6.2.24  Crucified with Christ, Resurrected with Christ: from 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
 Our apologies sermon not available due to technical difficulty
5.26.24 Wisdom and Revelation: from Ephesians 1:15-23
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5.19.24 Always Forward: from 1 Corinthians 15:57-58
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5.12.24 Prayer: Never Give Up: from Luke 11:9-13
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5.5.24 Lord, Teach Us to Pray: from Luke 11:1-10
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4.28.24 A Time for Prayer and the Power of Confession: from James 5:13-20
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4.21.24 Patience, Suffering and Blessings: from James 5:7-12
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4.14.24 This Sunday we welcome the Missourians
for special time of Music and worship
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4.7.24  The Blessings and Curse of Money: from James 5:1-6
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3.31.24 Our Hope in Christ: Luke 24:1-53
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 3.29.24 Good Friday Service
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3.24.24 Blessed is the King: from Luke 19:28-44
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3.17.24 The Power of Words II: from James 4:11-17
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3.10.24 The Power of Humility: from James 4:1-10
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3.3.24 Smart Living: from James 3:13-18
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2.25.24 The Power of Words: from James 3:1-12
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2.18.24 A Life of Faith and Work: from James 2:17-26
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2.11.24 East in the Bible: from Ezekiel 43:1-5
 Guest Speaker Ben Bates
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2.4.24 Keeping Families Safe: from James 2:14-17
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1.28.24 The Power of Mercy: from James 2:1-13
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1.21.24 What Do You See in the Mirror: from James 1:19-27
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1.14.24 Gifts from God: from James 1:9-18
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 1.7.24 Trials and Wisdom for the New Year: from James 1:1-8
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12.31.23 Magnify the Lord: from Luke 1:46-56
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12.24.23  Christmas Eve The Advent of Christ – The Nativity
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12.24.23 The Power and Humility of Love: from 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
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12.17.23 Joy in Christ: from Assorted Scripture
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12.10.23 Peace for a Troubled World: from Philippians 4:4-7
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12.3.23 Scripture Revealing Our Hope in Christ: from Mark 13:24-26
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11.26.23 The End of Age and Second Coming of Christ: from Mark 13:24-26
   Guest Speaker Pastor Steve Adel
  No audio available
11.19.23 Church Out: from Matthew 25:31-46
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11.12.23  The Apocalypse: from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
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11.5.23 The Most Important Things II: from Acts 2:42-47
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10.29.23 These are the Most Important Things: from Ephesians 1:16-19
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10.22.23 What We Believe : from 1 Timothy 3:9-16
   We apologize sermon unavailable due to technical difficulties
10.15.23  Women in the Church, a Review: from Genesis 1:26-28
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10.8.23 Sometimes Church Is Messy II: from 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
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10.1.23 Sometimes Church Is Messy: from 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
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9.24.23 Women, Where Did It All Go Wrong? from Genesis 3
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9.17.23 Wives Submit! – Men Submit? from Ephesians 5:21-33
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9.10.23 Women Teaching in Church: from 1 Timothy 2:8-15
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9.3.23 Making Disciples, Worshipping the Living God: from Matthew 28:16-20
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8.27.23 Alive in Christ: from Matthew 28:1-15
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8.20.23 Crucified with Christ: from Matthew 27:27-61
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8.13.23 Jesus on Trial: from Matthew 27:24-26
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8.6.23 A Time to Repent: from Matthew 26:69-27:10
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7.30.23 Wrong Kind of Christian: from Matthew 26:47-68
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7.23.23 Prayer – Pain – Betrayal: from Matthew 26:36-46
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7.16.23 What Would You Die For-What Would You Live For?: from Matthew 26:31-35
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7.9.23 Communion with God: from Matthew 26:17-30
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7.2.23 Be Ready: from 2 Timothy 4:1-5
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6.25.23 Devotion to Christ: from Matthew 26:1-6
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6.18.23 Special Praise and Worship Service
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6.11.23 Making the World a Better Place: from Matthew 25:31-46
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6.4.23 The Wise, The Fool & The Ready: from Matthew 25:1-30
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5.28.23 The End is Almost Near:  from Matthew 24
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 5.21.23 Woe Is Me: from Matthew 23:37-39
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5.14.23 All Hypocrites Welcome : from Mathew 23
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5.7.23 Worship the Living God – Making Disciples: from Matthew 22:23-46
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4.30.23 Jesus, Taxes, and the Government: from Matthew 22:15-22
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4.23.23 Bottom of the Barrel: from Matthew 22:1-14
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4.16.23 Against Christ or For Christ: from Matthew 21:33-46
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4.9.23 Our Life in Christ: from Matthew 28:1-10
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4.7.23 Good Friday Service
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4.2.23 The King Will Return: from Matthew 21:1-11
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3.26.23 Do the Right Thing: from Matthew 21:28-32
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3.19.23 Jesus Versus Culture: from Matthew 21:18-27
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3.12.23 What is Church? from Matthew 21:12-17
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3.5.23 Becoming Great in the Kingdom: from Matthew 20:20-34
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2.26.23 The Culture of the Kingdom: from Matthew 20:1-19
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2.19.23 Hungry and Alone: from Matthew 25:34-40
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2.12.23 Bankrupt for Jesus: from Matthew 19:13-30
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2.5.23 Is Marriage Worth It? : from Matthew 19:1-12
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1.29.23 Jesus, People, Problems, and Mercy: from Matthew 18:12-35
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1.22.23 Childlike not Childish: from Matthew 17:24-18:9
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We apologize for some of the audio and video technical issues
1.15.23 A Time for Faith: from Matthew 17:14-23
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1.8.23 Jesus Christ, Our Only Hope: from Matthew 17:1-13
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1.1.23 Losing to Win: from Matthew 16:21-28
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12.25.22 The Advent of Christ: from Revelations 21:1-7
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12.24.22 Humble Beginnings, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
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12.18.22 Who Is Jesus: from Matthew 16:13-20
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12.11.22 Guard Your Soul: from Matthew 16:1-12
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12.4.22 Lord, Have Mercy on Us: from Matthew 15:21-31
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11.27.22 Thanksgiving-The Expression of Our Gratitude: from Philippians 4:6-7
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11.20.22 A Heart for God: from Matthew 15:1-20
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11.13.22 How to Walk on Water: from Matthew 14:22-36
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11.6.22 People, Food, Jesus and Ministry: from Matthew 14:13-21
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10.30.22 Jesus Despised: from Matthew 13:53-58
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10.23.22 What Is the Kingdom of Heaven Like: from Matthew 12:23-52
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10.16.22 Growing Strong in the Kingdom of God: from Matthew 13:1-23
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10.9.22 What Does God Want: from Matthew 12:38-50
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10.02.22 Bringing God to a Troubled World: from Matthew 12:15-27
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9.25.22 Letter of the Law versus the Spirit of the Law: from Matthew 12:1-14
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9.18.22 Rest in a Frantic World: from Matthew 11:20-30
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9.11.22 Gluttons, Drunks, Sinners and Jesus:  from Matthew 11:1-19
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 9.4.22    Are You the Biggest Loser?: from Matthew 10:24-42
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8.28.22 Messed up People Changing the World: from Matthew 10:1-23
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8.21.22 No Unemployment in the Kingdom of God: from Matthew 9:35-38
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8.14.22 Eating with the Enemy: from Matthew9:1-13
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8.7.22 Do You Really Want to Follow Jesus: from Matthew 8:18-27
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7.31.22 Jesus, Demons, Faith and Healthcare: from Matthew 8:1-17
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7.24.22 What is Your Mission: from Acts 1:1-8
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7.17.22  Praise and Worship Service with Special Guests Kurt and Kate Long
7.10.22 Built to last: from Matthew 7:15-29
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7.3.22 Tenacity and Ethics: from Matthew 7:7-14
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6.26.22  Special Praise and Worship Service
6.19.22  Jesus, Judgement and Fire: from Matthew 7:1-6
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6.12.22 Running to Win: from Matthew 25-34
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6.5.22 Life is a marathon: from Matthew 6:16-24
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5.29.22 The Disciple’s Prayer: from Matthew 6:5-15
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5.22.22 Blessing Others: from Matthew 6:1-5
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5.15.22 Love Your Enemies: from Matthew 5:21-48
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5.8.22 A Time to Pray, a Time to Go: from Matthew 5:13-16
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5.1.22 A Time to Shine: from Matthew 5:13-20
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4.24.22 A Time for Blessing: from Matthew 5:1-12
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4.17.22 Jesus Christ: the Resurrection and the Life: from Matthew 28:1-20
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4.10.22 A Time to Follow: from Matthew 21:1-11
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4.3.22 A Time for Healing: from Matthew 4:23-25
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3.27.22 A Time to Respond: from Matthew 4:1-17
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3.20.22 A Time to Act: from Matthew 3:1-17
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3.13.22 A Time to Serve and a time to Leave: from Matthew 2:1-23
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3.6.22 Faithfull to the Lord: from Matthew 1:18-25
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2.27.22 Where Do We Go From Here: from Matthew 1:1-17
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2.20.22 Living for Christ in Difficult Times: from Psalm 73
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2.13.22 Pray for the USA: from Judges 2:7-19
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2.6.22  Grace for All: from 1 Kings 21:25-29
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1.30.22 Church 101: from 1 Timothy 4:1-11
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1.23.22 Following the Lord: from 2 Kings 23:1-3
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1.16.22 A Prayer for the New Year: from Matthew 6:5-18
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1.09.22 Christ in Us: from 2 Corinthians 13:1-14
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1.02.22  Our Church in 2022: from 2 Corinthians 12:11-21
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12.26.21  The Power of Grace: from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
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12.24.21 Peace on Earth, Christmas Eve Candle Light service
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12.19.21 Love Hurts: from 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
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12.12.21 Our Joy in Christ: from 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
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12.05.21 Our Peace in Serving Christ: from 2 Corinthians 10:12-18
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11.28.21 Our Hope in Christ: from 2 Corinthians 10:1-11
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11.21,21 Guest Pastor Kevin O’Connor This is Necessary: from Acts 2:42-47
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11.14.21 Enriched in Every Way: from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
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11.07.21 Partners & Co-workers in Christ: from 2 Corinthians 8:16-24
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10.31.21 Wealth-Poverty-Jesus: from 2 Corinthians 8:8-15
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10.24.21 The Grace of Giving: from 2 Corinthians 8:1-7
We apologize this service is unavailable
10.17.21 Tough Love: from 2 Corinthians 7:8-11
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10.10.21 The Joy and Hardships of a Life in Christ: from 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
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10.3.21 A New Life in Christ: from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
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9.26.21 Always Forward: from 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
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9.19.21 Sorry video not available Life: Running to Win: from 2 Corinthians 4:13-18
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9.12.21 Failing Forward: from 2 Corinthians 4:1-12
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9.5.21 Sharing Our Testimonies: from Psalms 71:15-18
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 8.29.21  Bold in the Spirit: from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
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8.22.21 Made by God for God: from 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
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8.15.21 Forgiving But Not Forgetting: from 2 Corinthians 2:5-11
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8.8.21 Guest Pastor Eric Stoops
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8.1.21 The Pain and Joy of People and Ministry: from 2 Corinthians 2:1-4
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7.25.21 Comfort in Times of Distress: from 2nd Corinthians 1:1-11
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7.18.21 What Does It Mean to Be Made in the Image of God: from Genesis 1:25-31
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7.11.21 Death, Taxes and Jesus: from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
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7.4.21 What Do You Believe?: from 2nd Peter 3:13-18
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6.27.21 From Beliefs to Action II: from Psalm 19:7-11
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6.20.21 Special Worship and Praise Service
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6.13.21 From Beliefs to Action: from 2nd Timothy 3:12-17
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6.6.21 We All Need a Redeemer: from Ruth 4:2-8
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5.30.21 What Will the Future Bring: from Ruth 4:14-17
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5.23.21 Gossip, Scandal, and Righteousnessfrom Ruth 3
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5.16.21 The Lord Be With You: from Ruth 2:4-14
(We apologize there is no video for this service)
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5.9.21 Bitterness, Family, and Grace: from Ruth 1:13-18
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5.2.21 Run to Win: from 2nd John
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4.25.21 Difficult Times and Difficult Questions: from 1 John 5:13-21
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4.18.21 Church Out: from 1 John 4:7-21
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4.11.21 Living a Life Worth Celebrating: from 1 John 3:11-24
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4.4.21 From the Grave to the Garden: from Matthew 28:1-10
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 4.2.21 Good Friday Service
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3.28.21 Jesus, King, Prophet, Healer: from Matthew 21:4-17
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3.21.21 Children of God: from 1 John 2:28-3:10
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3.14.21 Choosing Jesus or Society: from 1 John 2:15-27
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3.7.21 Christianity 101: from 1 John 2:3-14
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2.28.21 Who Is Jesus and What Does He Want: from 1 John 1:1-10
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2.21.21 Never Tire of Doing Good II: from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
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2.14.21 Never Tire of Doing Good: from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
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2.7.21 Good News for a Tired People: from 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5
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1.31.21 Living in Fear or Truth: from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
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1.24.21 Our Purpose and Actions in Difficult Times: from 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
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1.17.21 What is God’s Will: from Romans 12:1-2
1.10.21 What is God’s Will for Me: from 1 Thessalonians  5:12-28
1.3.21 Prepare for the New Year: from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
12.27.20 The End Is Near, Maybe: from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
12.24.20 Christmas Eve Service, The Hope of the Nativity
12.20.20 Living to Please God: from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
12.13.20 Pastor Pastor Eric Stoops The Word Became Flesh: from John 1:1-14
12.6.20 The Power of Prayer: from 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13
11.29.20 Praise and Music Worship Service
11.22.20 The Power of Words: from 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
11.15.20 Pleasing God, Not People: from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
11.8.20 What Does It Mean to Worship the Living God: from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
11.1.20 Secrets of Great People: from Matthew 18:1-9
10.25.20 Priorities, Wisdom and Consequences: from 1 Kings and the Life of Solomon
10.18.20 What Does It Mean to Follow Christ: from Matthew 16:21-28
10.11.20 Jesus, the Man, the Mystery, the Christ: from Matthew 16:13-20
10.4.20 Faith in a Dangerous World: from Matthew 13:1-13
9.27.20 Let Justice Flow like a River: from the Book of Amos
9.20.20 Looking for a Sign from God: from Matthew 12:38-45
9.13.20 Grow Where God Plants You: from 2 Kings 5:1-14
9.6.20 Who Is Your Lord: from Matthew 12:1-14
8.26.20 Ambassadors for Christ: from Matthew Chapter 10
8.23.20 Jesus’ Advice on Marriage, Divorce and Family: from Matthew 5:13-48
8.16.20 If You Ask Jesus for Advice II: from Matthew 5:13-48
8.9.20 If You Ask Jesus for Advice: from Matthew 5:13-48
8.2.20 Pastor Eric Stoops
7.26.20 Faith in the Storms of Life: from Matthew 8:5-27
7.19.20 Living a Blessed Life: from Matthew 5:1-12
7.12.20 The Choices We Make: from Matthew 4:1-11
7.5.20 What Will You Stand For: from Matthew 9:9-13
6.28.20 A Time for Prayer: from Luke 18:1-17
6.21.20 It’s Time to Get Real: from Luke 12:1-12
6.14.20 The Life of a Disciple: Luke:8:1-4 
6.7.20 Always Ready: from Matthew 25:1-13
5.31.20 Losing for Jesus: from Luke 20:1-16
5.24.18 Pastor Gary Stevens
5.17.20 The Wise, the Fool and the Shrewd: from Luke 16:1-15
5.10.20 We Are the Image of God: from Genesis 1:26-31
5.3.20 Prayer, Persistence and Tenacity” from Matthew 7:7-12
4.26.20 What Is Your Life Worth: from Luke 14:25-35
4.19.20 Mistakes, Forgiveness and Gratitude: from Luke 15:11-32
4.12.20 Easter Sunday – Fear Not Christ Is Alive: from Matthew 28:1-20
4.12.20 Easter Sunrise Devotional
4.10.20 Good Friday Service
4.5.20 Palm Sunday – Built to Last: from Matthew 7:24-29
3.29.20 From Trials to Faith: from Matthew 6:25-34
3.22.20 Life Is Not Fair: from 2 Samuel 11:6-27
3.15.20 Church Out: from Acts 1:4-11 with our special Guest Kathy Clow from Honduras
3.8.20 Following Christ: from Hebrews 10:19-25